About Kendra Nielson

Fulfillment Therapy Founder

A therapist and mother of four who understands the challenges of parenting firsthand. Through my journey, I've realized that prioritizing personal growth is key to being the best parent possible. When you start nurturing your needs and well-being (just like you do with your loved ones), you'll have more energy and less resentment, benefiting both you and your family.

In our quest to be perfect parents, we often overlook self-improvement and mental health, which affects home life. Drawing from years of experience helping clients and myself, I've developed Fulfillment Therapy. This innovative approach focuses on meeting personal and family needs, fostering greater joy, and unlocking our highest potential.

With Fulfillment Therapy, you'll transform your dream of a balanced, joyful life into a daily reality. It's time to embrace healthy self-care, uncover your unique strengths and passions, and make family life more fulfilling than you ever imagined.

I’m so excited to help you create greater fulfillment for both you AND your family!